I'm cheating a little bit on the #10 spot but both of these guys needed to be put on this list. I couldn't make a Top 11 list. (who makes a Top 11 list?)
10 Part 1: Mr. Stephen King, a great storyteller that gives you chills up your leg, but in a good way. He's created such memorable stories that last the test of time. The audience or reader isn't left scratching their heads trying to figure out what happened, unlike a certain political storyteller. When his story is over there aren't any lingering effects to destroy a country. You might be scared for a little after his story is over but it's okay, it's a good kind of scared.
10 Part 2: Mr. Steven Spielberg, who better than one of Hollywood's. Celebrities are so outspoken on politics they should have one of their own in the White House. He knows his history, Schindler's List, and his science, Jurassic Park. He also has his production companies Dreamworks SKG and Amblin Entertainment. They are two very successful companies because he knows the industry, he knows what would sell to audiences and always looks ahead at what could be the next big film franchise.
9. Jim Belushi, he may not be that great or as well known of an actor but this guy wrote a book called Real Men Don't Apologize, that's something certain somebody should read. Jim Belushi has his own band and does mostly family films. This gives himself a better audience than special interest groups or a cult following. He also loves sports and doesn't throw a ball like a stereotyped girl.
8. Porky Pig. He and Barry sound a like sometimes when they can't get the words out that they want to say. However under President P. Pig there wouldn't be a swine flu epidemic and also all the pork attached to bills/legislation would be gone. Mr. Pig can also out think his competitors, i.e. Daffy Duck and beat them to the punch. I think Porky Pig can save his fellow pig, people and the country all at the same time.
7. Jon Lovitz. This man is easily one of the funniest people who needs to be recognized to a wider audience. Since the next 4 years are going to be a joke why not have a comedian in office. He can make fun of himself, our enemies, our allies and do it in good taste. He can be truthful about politics and the laws that Congress and the Senate want to pass and he can say, "It stinks" just like he did on the very short lived The Critic
6. Homer Simpson, who better to have a beer summit than the beer belly king himself Homer J. Simpson. They might not have Duff beer in the real world but Homer can quickly adapt, maybe he can be a Coors man. He works at a nuclear power plant so he can take the notes from someone like Frank Grimes, Lenny Lenerson or Wayland Smithers about what goes on at the plant. He can guide this country into being energy independent.
5. Yoda. Mr. Go Green himself. He might speak in puzzles but you can understand him. The wisest and strongest, despite his appearance, of all the Jedi. Yoda isn't afraid to fight when the time calls for it and he can make weak minded people see more clearly by just the wave of his hand, in a good way. Anyone can learn from his teachable moments and actually become wiser from them.
4. Superman. I know he's not a legal citizen, but that didn't stop Barry. The man is a protector who fights for truth, justice and the American way. Criminals, terrorist and dictators would be afraid to cross him. He represents America PROUDLY. His costume even looks Patriotic.
3. Denny Crane from Boston Legal. A big shot lawyer with his own successful firm Crane, Poole and Schmidt. He's pro gun, pro life, he's for the death penalty, he loves fishing, hunting and enjoys a class of scotch after a hard days work. He makes fun of Democrats and Liberals without blinking an eye and he has his own spaceship, the USS Enterprise. Denny Crane can boldly go where no other President has gone before. He might has Mad Cow disease but he's undefeated in court. He never lost a court case, even when he tried to lose he won, and always fights for the rights of people. Denny Crane.
2. Bruce Wayne. (Batman for people not in the know.) Why not have a wealthy billionaire be the leader of the free world. He knows a few things about economics, science, technology, and fights crime. Mr. Wayne would beef up Homeland Security under Rupert Fox's control, and if he was the new CEO of GM we would have some hot looking cars compared to the ones under BM, Barack Motors. I believe in Bruce Wayne to be Commander-in-Chief of this country.
1. Harrison Ford. "I wonder what Ford would do at a time like this". That was asked by the wise Leslie Nielsen in Scary Movie 3. If you've seen Air Force One than you understand why he's number 1. He fights terrorist himself to save his family, the country and get the terrorist off his plane. Don't forget he also helped the Rebel Alliance bring down the Empire (Star Wars), was an archeologist (Indiana Jones) who fought Nazis, saved a Amish boy and his mother (Witness), worked for the CIA (Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger) and a doctor who proved his innocents (The Fugtive). Now he might be the worst family man in the world because he usually has to rescue his family. You may ask what kind of guy loses his family all the time and has to rescue them but he always does. Which makes him #1 in my book.